How to Stop Being an Enabler

How to Stop Being an Enabler

woman learning how to stop being an enabler

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An enabler is someone who supports a person’s destructive addictive behavior regardless of consequences. People enable others for many reasons. Sometimes they feel guilty about failing to protect the person in the past, so they strive to protect both the addict and the addiction. Some enablers fear change. And sometimes, enabling is easier than setting healthy boundaries. Breaking the cycle of enabling and addiction can save a person’s life. Contact Liberty Bay Recovery to learn more by calling (855) 607-8758.

How to Stop Being an Enabler

If you have lived with a friend or a loved one with addiction in Maine or elsewhere, then without your knowledge, you may have intentionally or unintentionally contributed to their addiction. Enabling drug addiction is risky as it delays important addiction treatment services and has significant repercussions on the quality of life and health of an addict. It is important to stop being an enabler so that loved ones can receive the care they deserve. 

What Constitutes an Enabler

Most enablers are not even conscious that they are encouraging others to use drugs or alcohol. In providing support to a loved one with addiction, they may inadvertently be contributing to the use of drugs and alcohol. While enablers may have the best of intentions, in the end, they serve no benefit to anyone. 

There are a number of signs that you need to stop being an enabler. These include:

  • Rationalization of addiction behaviors
  • Dealing with the problems of addicts for them
  • Failure to recognize destructive behaviors and attitudes
  • Making excuses for their actions 
  • Defending their addictive habits

Stop Intervening or Rescuing Them

If you protect your loved ones by making excuses for them, you are facilitating their addiction. The effects of their actions must be brought to their attention. If you really love the person, allow them to handle their own problems, and gain awareness of the consequences of their actions. Encourage your loved one to attend a substance abuse support group.

Be Firm with Your Decisions

Establish your limits and stick to them. It is time to act if you have been threatening to leave your loved one if they do not seek help. Follow through on your decisions and do not look for excuses not to act. Think of your loved one’s well-being and the possible consequences of their addiction. You need to be bold and face problems head-on. 

Do Not Deal with Their Problems

Cleaning up the messes of addicts is one of the most common ways that people enable addiction. Addicted individuals feel as if their conduct is not as bad when others are actively engaged in damage control. Only when someone faces the consequences of their actions do they realize the extent to which their behaviors are unhealthy. 

Do Not Offer Financial Support

Offering financial assistance is normally a way of showing you care for someone. When it comes to supporting an addict, offering financial support does little beyond making problems worse. Providing resources for an addiction does not provide any positive benefits and simply leaves you in a weaker position to help with more important future emergencies. 

If you are looking at providing financial support to someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, consider effective rehab programs in Maine or elsewhere to show your loved one that you care. 

Liberty Bay Can Help

Enabling someone doesn’t mean that you accept their actions. It normally happens as a loving gesture in which you attempt to help your loved one. However, the result is that you are simply prolonging the physical and mental damage that they experience as a result of their addiction. Therefore, it is crucial to stop being an enabler. Reach out to our experienced team of professionals for expert advice. Call Liberty Bay at (855) 607-8758 today.