How To Plan A Sober Halloween

How To Plan A Sober Halloween
couple who is planning a sober halloween

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Halloween is among the top drinking holidays, and navigating it without alcohol or drugs can be a daunting task. For people with substance abuse disorder, consuming alcohol in moderation is not an option. If your behavior while drinking has caused problems in your family or friend groups, these problems are likely to get worse until you get help. It might seem unfair that most people don’t have to abstain from drinking in order to keep their lives on track. Call Liberty Bay at (855) 607-8758 for more information about substance use disorders and dual diagnosis treatment.

Avoid Staying at Home Alone

If you are trying to stop substance use or have already completed an alcohol rehab program, it is not advisable to be alone. You can begin feeling sorry for yourself because everyone else is out having a good time. 

You do not need to sacrifice social interaction when planning sober Halloween events. There are other alternatives. For example, volunteer your skills to get out of your house to do something for others. 

Most children’s homes and religious organizations host Halloween events designed for people keen on having sober holidays. You can volunteer your time and funds to help sober parties and dinners for society’s less fortunate. It is a fantastic way of staying involved and giving back to your community.

Stay Busy 

Staying at home and being idle increase the urge to use alcohol or drugs. To keep busy, you can plan your party without getting out of your home. You can pick any appropriate sober theme for the party and invite whoever you want. 

However, things to remember while holding a sober Halloween party include: 

  • Make all invitees understand that it is a drug-free event
  • Be bold enough to ask invitees who show up drunk to leave
  • Plan fun activities, such as games and competitions
  • Serve nonalcoholic drinks and snacks
  • Invite an expert on addiction to grace the occasion

Stay Away From Triggers 

Please don’t hang out with people who use drugs if you are in recovery or seeking addiction therapy services. Peer pressure is a powerful force that you may not be able to withstand. 

If you have to go out with people who are more likely to drink, designate a trusted friend to help you stay away from alcohol. If you have a friend nearby to distract you from alcohol, it will keep you calm and confident.

Visit a Sober Community

You will not have any exposure to drugs and alcohol if you spend the day in a community that always plans sober holidays. Your local rehab facility may be hosting an event. Being around those who are walking in your shoes is an excellent way of spending the holiday. You are possibly not the only person that Halloween is pressuring or triggering to relapse, so be open and speak about your condition.

Seek Professional Help for Planning Sober Halloween Events

If Halloween is triggering your cravings for substances, you need to seek professional help. Ignoring uncomfortable emotions during your recovery, especially during holidays like Halloween, is ill-advised. Talk to your therapist or visit a rehab center for more tips. A professional can help you manage your condition through various rehab programs, such as: 

Contact Liberty Bay Recovery Center for a Sober Halloween

Planning sober Halloween events do not necessarily mean you will not have fun. On the contrary, you need to have people you can depend on to ensure your recovery journey is on track. Our team of professionals can offer assistance during Halloween and other days of the year. Contact Liberty Bay Recovery Center at (855) 607-8758 to get started on your recovery. 2020 is your year!