Addiction Recovery Blog

a woman thinks about her willingness to change

Willingness to Change

Willingness to change was what I was presented with as a need to do things to stay sober. As a drug addict, change and the feeling of being uncomfortable were

blocks spell out expand to indicate we are expanding at Liberty Bay Recovery

We are expanding!

Liberty Bay is making big changes in a great way! [embedhttpvideo] Learn more…

a man thinks about how to lead a life of purpose

Life of Purpose

What makes a person use drugs or alcohol to begin with? Is it a lack love? Is it an abusive past? Are we genetically disposed to seeking out things that

a woman thinks about how it only takes one time to develop an addiction

“…it only takes one time…”

A 29-year-old Maine man died of a drug overdose recently. He had just celebrated one full year of sobriety. You hear stories like this every day, but this one particularly

a man holds up a white flag knowing he must surrender to succeed

Surrender to Succeed

In the past, when I would think of what it means to surrender, I envisioned a white flag waving and an overall feeling of failure.  I pictured battles lost throughout